Brenden Lavin
Brenden entered the Telecommunications construction sector in 1998 after obtaining his Advanced rigging qualification.
His first industry employment was with Telstra NDC, radio lines division. During his 3 year debut in the industry, Brenden was involved in the rollout of the first generations of GSM and CDMA mobile network including greenfield and upgrade construction projects.
In 2002, Brenden commenced working for Sydney based company Radio Install and Maintenance, a turnkey construction company which principally focused on the greenfield construction of freestanding towers and guyed masts and during the mid-term of his 10 year tenure at Radio Install & Maintenance, Brenden was responsible for onsite leadership and Supervision of field teams, directly managing greenfield and co-locate construction projects.
In 2011, Brenden accepted a job offer as a Construction Supervisor working for Kentz, within the oil & gas sector on the Chevron operated Gorgon Project in WA, the role was to oversee the construction of various communications structures including a new custom designed 120m communications main mast facility located within the A Class nature reserve on Barrow Island, Brenden states: “My time on the Gorgon Project was exciting and provided my career with an excellerated learning outcomes, on a daily basis our team was heavily engrossed in the execution of behavioral safety, environmental and quality management processes which formed as fundamental aspect of the project delivery.”
Consolidating 18 years of industry experience, in 2016 Brenden founded Commplete Support Pty Ltd, a management company which specialised in the provision of QHSE and Project Management services to the telecommunications and Oil & Gas industry. With formal qualifications in Work Health & Safety and ISO 9001 Lead Auditing, Brenden provided consultancy services on some of the country’s biggest resource projects including Origin operated APLNG (QLD) and the INPEX operated ICHTHYS LNG (Darwin).
In 2018, with business partner and co-director, Chris Mitchell, Commplete Constructions Pty Ltd was established as a sister company to Commplete Support and commenced providing turnkey civil and rigging construction services within the telco, resource and government sectors. Through a solid co-directorship with Chris, the business has grown to what it is today.